Rabu, 30 April 2008

Boendjit N Louwe


Busung lapar telah merajalela.
Apa Tanggapan kita mengenai masalah itu?
Bagaimana hal itu dapat terjadi?
Siapakah yang harus bertanggung jawab atas kejadian itu?
Apakah pemerintah? Ataukah jiwa jiwa penuh dosa? Mengapa korbannya selalu orang orang yang tak berdosa yang berharap akan sesuatu hal yang mungkin tak akan mereka dapatkan?
Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk menanggulangi hal itu?


Hal itu terjadi karena banyaknya masyarakat yang kekurangan gizi.
Mahalnya biaya perawatan
kita harus bertindak.......

Selebihnya atas kehendak TAKDIR...!!!
N RahAsiA......

Selasa, 29 April 2008


hi Guys, weLcoMe 2 mY bLog aNd PLease Don't Be reGRet......

eMo stoRy


Once upon a time there was a young girl who used to believe that fairy tales could come true. She believed her first love was her true love, her special Prince saving her from the solitary confinement of her fairy tower. She used to sit alone in her room, musing for hours over what her Prince would be like. Strong, handsome, someone who would swear to look after her, forever and ever, like it is always said at the end of fairytales. Hers came along when she was a young girl, but she did not know this until she had doubled in age. Her Prince and her became the best of friends, meeting almost everyday. They reveled in the sight and sound of one another, never wanting the time to leave appear on the clock. 1

Instead of being his Princess, she was called his Empress, something he swore was so much better. 2

Their magical night was the 26th June, 2006. The little Empress had swallowed her shyness and asked her best friend to be HER Prince. He accepted without hesitation, too shy to have asked himself, but oh, so happy. 3

It was indeed a happy day for the joyous couple. From the first breathtakingly passionate first kiss to haunting words of endearment, they swore to always be together. 4

“Forever x infinity plus one.” They would whisper into one another’s ears, “I will love you forever.”5

For almost two years they lived in harmony, their lives blissfully unmarred by everything surrounding them. 6

The little Empress was soon to discover that something terrible always happens in fairy tales. There lived a wicked witch nearby who cast a spell onto her Prince. He was bewitched, forced to love another, leaving no thought at all for his Empress. When she found out, her heart was ripped in two and thrown to the crows to peck. For days and nights afterwards she cried and cried, saying and eating very little. She began to sleep constantly and became so listless her family were getting worried about her. This enchantment did not stop his love for the Empress, just shoved it so far down in his heart that he could not feel it anymore. The spell had made him feel he did not like his Empress anymore. All the happy times spent together were crumpled into a giant hazy blur in front of his eyes. 7

Her Prince cried too, knowing nothing could stop the bewildering enchantment, and knowing his little Empress was in torment. 8

The wicked witch was jealous of the Prince talking to his Empress and cast another nasty spell. The prince began to ignore his poor Empress, and started to cruelly tease and taunt her, getting others to join in. The little Empress was only sad. She was too tired for tears, too unhappy to do anything about it. She knew that nothing she did would help. Her own spells had done nothing: the witches was too strong. 9

As painful as it was, she was determined to get over her love for him, knowing they could never return to normal; no matter how much she desired him in her dreams. 10

In her dreams she would call to him, and he would follow her, arms outstretched, free from the spells only attached in real life. For what seemed an incredibly short time they would play, laugh, kiss and talk, leaving the little Empress to sadly recall it the next day. 11

But slowly, slowly, her heart began to heal. She still wore the pendant he bought for her, to remind herself of the happy times and the amazingly powerful feelings of love she had felt with him. 12

She knew it would take a long, long time to get over him, but she was utterly determined. She knew that her Prince still loved her deep down, but was unable to say. She wanted to wait for the day he told her that he was free from the curse and could love HER Prince once again. But she knew it wouldn’t happen. 13

She resigned herself to thinking of another Prince. One not nearly as nice as the one in her heart, but someone at least who would care for her. 14

Although she saw her Prince everyday, she knew that he was gone forever. 15

It was at the precise point when the spell was first cast that she knew fairytales didn’t come true. 16